Posts Tagged ‘inspirational’

No Touchy the Merchandise!!

November 12, 2013

No Touchy the Merchandise!!


November 11, 2013

There are not enough words to express the thanks and gratitude we have for your service. Whether active or retired… THANK YOU!

Words Hurt

November 4, 2013

Words Hurt

You can’t send your “tone” over a text so choose your words carefully. Words can be hurtful and ruin someones day or words can be loving and make someones day. Choose wisely and only send messages like the ones you’d like to receive!

Sparkle Thru It!

October 26, 2013

Sparkle Thru It!

Make sure to ask someone about their day, it may mean the world to them.


October 3, 2013


Having a caption contest for this pic. This is one of the entries so far. If you can think of a funny caption, go to LGStudios on facebook, like us and put in your caption. You could win a free print!

You Are Beautiful!

September 30, 2013

You Are Beautiful!

Love What’s on the Inside

September 28, 2013

Love What's on the Inside

Remember the old saying… Never judge a book by its cover? Well, get to know those around you, you may discover that just like an old book, there is a wonderful story waiting inside that person that you have yet to discover. Sparkle on!

Let The SunShine In!

September 25, 2013

Let The SunShine In!


1. Smiling can turn into laughter and laughter is always good medicine.
2. Smiling can help you release some of the stresses of the day.
3. Smiling can make you happy even if you don’t think so!
4. Smiling makes us feel better.
5. Smiling can make somebody elses day a little brighter.
6. Smiling makes you look more like a princess.


Frowning tells your body you are SICK!

Pass a little SPARKLE on!

September 24, 2013

Pass a little SPARKLE on!

It is impossible to see the struggles that other people are facing on a daily basis. Whether it’s the single mom struggling to put food on the table for her children, the girl that feels fat no matter how she starves herself each day or the person that lost their spouse, job, or healthcare. We all have struggles and more times than not, they are invisible to others. A simple text could be the difference in somebody’s day.

Send a little SPARKLE and brighten someones day, you never know how much it means, just by typing… Hey!

Prayers for Diane

September 19, 2013

Prayers for Diane

For a family friend who is fighting the fight of her life. God Bless you and keep you in his loving care Diane.